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A member registered May 24, 2017

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I loved this game just like the other installments I played. If I had to pick a favorite route out of all of them, I'd have to pick Garret. The other routes were enjoyable too. If there is any complaints I have is that the spoiler route leaves me wanting because of the CGs. Otherwise the spoiler route would be my favorite. Thank you for making yet another great otome game.

Thank you very much. I went through it again and managed to get the missing CG by following the normal end part of your guide. Now I have everything done xD

(1 edit)

This game is so good. I really wasn't sure what to expect but I really enjoyed it so much. It is one of the few games I actually wanted to go back and get all the endings, CGs and achievements for. All the characters were fantastic from the MC to the main routes and side characters. I originally thought I wouldn't really be into Sachiro because he looked like a little chibi and acted childish but he ended up being one of my favorites. Really all of the routes were one of my favorites. I usually have some that I am kind of over part way through in these types of games but not for Dark Nights. I also especially fell in love with Kaichi. I loved interacting with him in every route and was sad he doesn't show in Junoru's. By the end I really wanted to know more about him and really wanted him to have his own route. His personality made me weak. I also loved Roya a lot and ended up wanted a route for him to just to have more time to get to know him. Chain also left me wanting more info. It is rare for otome/visual novels to have really interesting side characters that leave me wanting more. 

I have sunk like 20 hours in total getting all the endings, achievements and CGs. There is one CG that I can't get no matter what I do. I have tried all sorts of combos and looked over the walkthrough and tips but still can't get it. Junoru's 8th CG. It says it is in Chapter 3 but I just can't get it....

But anyways, thank you so much for making such a wonderful game. I hope to see more from you in the future!

Edit: I decided to go look at the Dark Nights twitter and found out Kaichi's birthday is literally the day before mine. lmao

I don't usually bother to write reviews but I feel like doing so for this game. I just enjoyed it so much. I don't think I spoiled anything as I tried to keep it general as possible. Sorry that this ended up fairly lengthy.

The beginning before ending up on any guys routes was an interesting read. All minor characters were given distinct personalities despite their short appearances which made it easy to sympathize and gain some attachment with them. Being given a glimpse into the main character's life before she ends up surrounded by guys was refreshing. Usually, games like this jump right into being around the potential romantic partners without actually getting to see any part of their lives beforehand. Heaven's Grave is also one of the few visual novels I have played that actually gives opportunities to shape the main character’s personality as there are some choices that don’t have an effect on their relationships.

Arha, the main character, has a unique personality on her own. She is both rational and emotional, reasonable and unreasonable, selfless to a fault but still voices her frustrations, and overall just feels like an actual person. Throughout the story, depending on the romantic partner she ends up with, she grows in different ways. It is interesting to watch her be shaped without losing all of her original personality. She never ends up being a soft pushover that just lets the guys pull her around every which way. Arha, knows how to hold her ground. Honestly, she is my favorite main character out of any visual novel I have read so far.

Tai is like a big brother with a personality problem. He starts out arrogant but quickly becomes reliable, comforting and sweet, only to revert to his arrogance again. It’s a roller coaster ride. He and Arha have great chemistry as they are similar in that they both are caring and can lead others. They bounce off each other well, both making each other smile and laugh during the harder times. They are each other’s crutch when things become harder than hard. Tai’s romantic relationship with Arha feels the most natural and realistic out of the three routes because neither of them have to change much for it to work. They both still grew to be stronger and better versions of themselves in each other’s presence (Tai more than Arha).

Kien is a sweetheart with a lot of rough edges. He gives Arha the least hardest time of the three routes. He seems to develop feelings for Arha fairly quickly and treats her especially well from the beginning. Kien is a bit of a pessimist which sometimes clashes with Arha’s extreme optimism. That being said, he tends to ground Arha when she becomes a little unreasonable and she does the same for him. Together they go through a lot of hardships, more so than the other routes, but they both come out stronger and closer at the end. Kien can be fiercely protective when it comes to Arha, but she manages to keep him from overdoing it. Out of the three routes, Kien’s is the most romantic.

Suiza is self-centered with a soft side. Everything is about his comforts and his feelings for a good while. Since Arha is selfless to a fault, she and Suiza constantly butt heads. Suiza develops feelings for Arha first but can’t seem to get over himself enough to act like it. They have moments of peace that allow them to get to know each other and get closer but immediately go back to bickering. Both Suiza and Arha go through the most character development out of the three routes. Suiza softens up and Arha becomes harder. Suiza’s route has the least amount of romance of the three routes.

Personally, I enjoyed Kien and Tai’s routes the most. Kien is a lovable guy despite his faults and Tai seems to fit best with Arha overall. I can’t really pick a favorite out of the two as they were both equally good for different reasons. I still enjoyed Suiza’s route as well, I just wasn’t feeling the romance between him and Arha. It was obvious when Suiza started developing feelings for Arha but I never felt Arha really feeling the same. There were times when it felt like maybe she could start to develop those feelings but mostly it just felt like they were just good friends.I don’t expect tons of romance since there was a lot going on in Heaven’s Grave. I just feel that Arha and Suiza’s romance didn’t really develop while their friendship had a ton of development. I didn’t mind it that way but it made the ending of his route feel sort of rushed. It could just be me being weird. Overall, all of the story was a very enjoyable to read. The art was lovely too, especially the backgrounds.

I would just email you guys about this but since you never responded to an email I sent months ago even though it was friendly and unrelated, I'm going to need to make this a topic. When I bought your game earlier in the year I was under the impression that it was a completed game. On the game page it gives no indicator that it isn't completed. I would have needed to read the community topics and look everywhere else to see it isn't completed. I really liked the demo and decided I wanted the full game. When I realized it wasn't completed, I decided that it was okay because you guys made it seem like you would be releasing another route soon and would be finishing the game soon after. However, it has been months with little updates about the game and only vague responses about the finish dates. The last time you said anything, you said "hopefully" Dec 2017. Well it is already December 2017. It is December 14. Half the month is over and you've said nothing since October. You've been saying you are going to release the game for over a year now. You have been working on this game from years. I understand games can take a long time to make but the time you've been working on this without a firm release date is ridiculous. I know you've said there have been problems here and there and I have tried really hard to be patient. But you have already released a random unanounced free game and have announced you are hiring and starting work on another project without your original project even being completed. You shouldn't even release a "beta" version of the game for $14.99 if you don't have a good estimate of when you will be finishing the game. I could use $14.99 for a lot of other things. I would really like my money back, although I doubt that is even possible now. I'm not trying to be mean, I swear. I'm just not a rich person and if I can't get what I paid for in a reasonable amount of time, I can't continue to be patient knowing I paid $14.99 for 1 route when there were supposed to be 3 at least and other stuff  included. You should post a disclaimer on the top of your page saying that $14.99 gets you the game on release but it has not been fully released yet instead of advertising it as the full game.

I seriously loved Ran.  The second I saw him I knew I had to play this game. I wasn't really sure if I was making the right choices and was scared I would get a bad ending or something but I didn't. I was able to stay true to myself in the choices and get a good ending and that was nice. And to be honest, I don't even care if he is a "monster," I just want to squeeze him so tight. He was exactly the type that I love going after in these types of games. And his story was so amazing and sad. Actually, I really loved the entire story and the only parts I had problems with was literally because I felt like I was going to lose him, which is amazing that the story managed to make me feel so strongly. And I could literally feel the sexual tension between him and the main girl. So good. I don't know if I will be able to get over the feeling of being attached to him...uggggghh his personality and looks left a lasting impression on me.

I'm so glad I decided to buy this. And I am so glad this was created! Thank you for this masterpiece!